It was plain to see they were a pair, her in her lovely, if plain, dress, his purple vest a perfect accent to her outfit. Their wings, different shades of violet, and modeled after those of a butterfly; perfectly fragile and lovely, like stained glass. They walked with a precise gait down the milky marble steps into the Central Plaza, where a winged gala took place. The Winged Festival, as the Cathairte Inness called it, a celebration of dragons and all other things winged. And Aeva and her companion Trix had come to mingle.

Excerpts from a magnificent hatching!! Thank you, Starburst!!
Rainbow Siaith & Black Tlianth
Tlianth! It is time. Shall I wake everyone? Yes, and hurry! This one's starting to crack down the middle! The black's bugle woke everyone in the Weyr, the sound was deafening to all who were near to the ledge on which the proud black rested. "Siaith!" called the young rider of the rainbow dragon. "Siaith! Look, here they come now!" The rainbow turned to look at the candidates, all rushing to get a good look at the eggs. Siaith suddenly spoke to her rider. My children are all very special. "Wonderful, Sia," Kilaria said as she looked on. Then she gazed upon the eggs. "Siaith, why are there only four? You said eight." I know. I was joking; for I took care of Dimaneth's eggs. Only some. Suddenly, the first egg split open just as the four candidates filed in. Even if Siaith had laid many eggs, the clutch would have hatched early no matter what. The little dragonet struggled with her eggshells, and once she was out; the crowd gasped. It was a green-black, a rare indeed. The two-tone jumped up and seemed to lift her legs the right way so she bumped into Djonni, who was pushed to the back of the candidate group. Djonni; I am Katkatith, yours and only yours; if you want me! Djonni smiled down at the dragonet. "Of course I want you, Katkatith." She flashed a wink at Blitzen, her brother, before staring deep into Katkatith's eyes and leaving the sands. And as she did this, the next egg hatched, spilling a shimmering blue onto the sands. As the light shone upon his scales, they reflected rainbow colors. He dashed over to Blitzen, who was watching Djonni walk away. The rain-blue collided with him and announced his name. B'litz; I am Pridath. Do you want me? Blitzen's eyes met the wonder-prisms that Pridath had; and said "As long as you want me." Pridath warbled and knocked B'litz over again, and then he picked his dragonet up and walked off the sands to meet up with Djonni. The last of the eggs cracked and split open, revealing the opposites of Djonni's and B'litz's dragons: blue-black and rainbow-green. They tripped over each other's tails, picked themselves up, and dashed over to Aeva and Trix, who were stretching their butterfly-like wings. Trix, I am Codraenth! Aeva, I am Yisneth! The dragonets; happy with what they had, hustled their new riders off the sands for some food. The rare green and blue pair twined their tails together as they followed their riders.
"Well, Siaith, it's over now," said Kilaria. "I still can't believe you only laid four eggs." I did though. I will miss my children. "Oh, Siaith," giggled Kilaria, embracing Siaith and then Tlianth's rider. Surely it had been a hatching to remember.
