
PERSONA: Jessiv GENDER: Female AGE: Now 17 ORIGIN: Danach OCCUPATION/RANK: Green rider at Cathair Utopian HAIR: Grey-tan hair, a queer color.
EYES: Grey-blue, the color of a stormy sea sky.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Shorter than 'average,' with long hair that she prefers to wear like her sister's, in tufts, but which looks better in a braid. Pale skin and a small face with large eyes and small lips. She is skinny, a 'bean-pole,' her brother calls her, and she wishes she were muscular like her brother and sister. VOICE QUALITY: Like the shrill cry of a seabird when it's lost at sea. CLOTHING: Short, sarong-like skirts and barefeet, or sandals, and tank-tops which can be brilliant colors or dull and grey. It depends on her mood. JEWELRY: A beautiful silver medallion on a chain which Tessar gave her.
FAMILY: Tessar, Tonek, and parents. She is the youngest of the three children. SEXUAL ORIENTATION/ RELATIONS: She honestly has no idea, as she's never been attracted to anyone, yet. SKILLS: She doesn't think she has any, and so far, she hasn't been proven wrong.
PASTIMES/HOBBIES: She likes to sail with her brother or ride her dragon. PERSONALITY: Lonely, and distant, like a seabird. She speaks sharply to the meek and brave alike, and is usually brisk and snappy. However, she can be loving and sweet, when her sister is around. She idolizes her older siblings. Jessiv fingered the beautiful silver medallion that her older sister, Tessar, had given her before she left for Cathair Dark Moon. How long ago had that been? A year? Two years? Whatever the time, it had passed slowly, and Jessiv could not wait for Tessar to come back to the place where she had once lived to visit. Unfortunately, that would be a few years from now, especially since Tessar's green Iraith would be in Chase soon. Most everybody was placing bets on who would Catch her, but Jessiv knew, deep in her heart, that they were wasting their marks. She knew without a doubt that T'lekk, Tessar's childhood friend, closer-than-friend now, and his bronze Riamoth would fly Iraith, no contest. Jessiv's gaze focused on the window, through which she saw a dragon-free blue sky, with nearing clouds. A squall was coming. She hoped the shipsmen, including her brother, Tonek, would see the warning clouds, and dock their ships. Jessiv sighed, and replaced the medallion in its little wooden box that Tonek had made for her out of driftwood, and sluggishly stood, stretching, and went downstairs to the kitchen. She requested a hot drink, and while waiting, she sat by the hearth, listening to the pitter-patter of the beginning rain, and braided her grey-tan hair, a curious color. Her large eyes were grey-blue; most of her family seemed to have eyes the colors of the sea. Tonek and her father had piercing, almost turquoise eyes that tended to intimidate those who didn't know them. Tessar and their mother shared serious wide dark blue eyes, and Jessiv was alone in her strange stormy eyes and hair, as most of her family was blonde, except for her brown-haired, plain mother. Jessiv alone held a passion for storms, and would stay awake at night to hear the thunder reverberate around the valley, and the lightning crash as it hit an object hidden by the darkness and the torrents of rain. She and Tessar had never been particularly close; it was only after her elder sister had left that Jessiv realized there was a lonely rift in the snug circle of their happy family without her. However, Jessiv talked little, and told no one of her grief, which was more like the longing you feel when you are far away from home, than any positive acknowledgement that someone you love is not near enough to touch, and you miss them. Jessiv received her drink, and sipped meditatively as the warmth and renewed energy surged through her slender, small frame. She heard a sound, and at first dismissed it meerly as part of the growing squall; then, an excited drudge rushed in. "What is it?" Jessiv inquired, more sharply than she had meant to, and the drudge cowered and stuttered meekly. "I beg your pardon, m'lady, but a Huntrider has come from Mooncrest Cathair! I was asked to bring some hot drinks. May I use the rest of yours?" The drudge, a young, nervous little boy quivered, and gestured to the barely empty jug. "Go ahead. A Huntrider, you say? I should look into this.." Jessiv walked out of the Keep, to see a young man and his dragon chatting with some of the people. The rider glanced casually at her and waved, sipping his drink. She smiled weakly, and managed a wave in reply. The rider's eyes glazed for a moment; then he beckoned to her. "You, girl. What's your name?" "Jessiv, sir." "Very good. My dragon, here, says that there is a clutch at the Sands at Mooncrest. And, my dear Jessiv, you have been Found!" "Me?" Jessiv faltered, but she smiled happily. "You!" The rider acknowledged. Jessiv Imprinted green Admeth! 

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