Parle walked into the room, her yellow gown a brilliance only met by Spiffy's yellow and rainbow skin. She smiled at Chante, who was wearing a silken dress of a frosted purple. They both wore wings, signifying their participance in the Festival of Flight. Chante and Parle were sisters, and had, by a stroke of good fortune, imprinted their two young dragons, a rainbow and an astra-star, both female. They dragons were playing in seperate corners, Lunarillis, the shyer of the two, quietly shredding a bit of cloth. The other, flamboyant Spiffy, was having an all-out war with her cloth, which might've once been a blanket and now was resembling a rag which had gone through World War II. She uttered a primeval, guttural hiss/scream of challenge, and the rag was no more. Parle shook her head in admiration, and sat down beside her dragon, petting her and tickling her belly fondly. Chante knelt with Lunarillis' head in her lap, crooning a sweet lullaby. 

Spiffy looked over at Lunarillis and crawled to where her sister lay, uttering a content sigh and snuggling next to her. Parle smiled softly at the two slumbering baby dragons, and she and Chante curled up next to one another. Lunarillis and Spiffy rolled onto their backs and covered their noses. The two sub-adults were like human juveniles, unable to keep their thoughts to themselves and unable to quell their curiosity or curb their wild tendencies to rampage the cathair. ~What IS that smell?~ growled Spiffy. ~It really reeks~ added Lunarillis. Parle laughed and Chante admonished the two dragons. "That's the fruitcake Sevai brought over. Be nice, it was a sweet gesture." ~That's not what my nose thinks~ Spiffy said, and stuck out her tongue. Parle dissolved into laughter and Chante sighed and shrugged. "You are incorrigible, all of you." 

Lunarillis and Spiffy joined voices to roar a challenge at the female dragons of Cathair Utopian. Lately they had been very broody, Spiffy especially. Chante had signed Lunarillis up to be Chased a few months later, but Parle's Spiffy had refused to wait, so she had been entered into the Holiday Frenzy at Utopian.
