Stepping from the threshhold of the main building is a young woman, with long, straight red-brown hair, and twinkling brown eyes. She introduces herself. "I'm Meri. Greetings to you, traveler! You weren't intending to skip me now, were you?" You shake your head, grinning, and clasp hand with Meri. "I'm very pleased to meet you, Meri. Of course I would never dream of skipping such a kind and lovely lady!" Meri flushes in pleasure, straightening the wrinkles in her skirt. "You will come in, of course, traveler? You must meet my dragonchens, they would bring joy to any person's heart, and laughter to any soul." "I would be glad to, Meri." Meri chatters sociably about the Cathair gossip as you both enter her home. A wonderful warmth is in her cathair, coming from a crackling fire. A delicious smell hovers in the air, a spicy sweet smell. Two blurs of blue dart parallel, coming out on either shoulder of Meri. She laughs gaily, and strokes them. They trill and chirp, and stare at you with interest. "Traveler, allow me to introduce Paolo and Twirp, my two jesters and companions." You bow, and the dragonchen bow back, wiggling their tails. They disappear parallel once again, and Meri guesses that they are looking for their dinners outside of her cathair. "So, Meri, why are you here, at Cathair Utopia?" "Well...when I was young, specifically five, I had great interest in creatures, all kinds. So my parents sent me to live with my aunt, who taught me about many things, such as how to handle and care for dragons and chens, paards and ryanths, all manners of creatures. I was especially interested in dragons, and I kept dreaming about the day that I would be Found by one.. "One day, I stumbled across another Cathair. The current female dragon on the Sands, who had been Caught, had a clutch of gorgeous eggs. I was Found, much to my delight, and I hope that when hatching time comes, I Imprint one of the little ones. I think it would be nice, to have a bond like that, dragonrider to dragon... "The Cathair I found was called Cathair Artaq, if you're interested in visiting it. And now, a tour of my home."
Meri stands, and you follow, as she walks about her cathair. Entering her room, the two blue chens chirp, and make a beeline to the pillow of the small bed in the corner. The curl up, nestled together, and fall asleep. Meri smiles, and you look around. It's a well-kept room, a little plain, and decorated in varying shades of blue. A journal lies on the bed, and, at a nod from Meri, you open it.
Today I met a Huntrider at Cathair Artaq! His dragon noticed me, and I was Found. They took me to Cathair Artaq, and I applied for candidacy. I'm still awaiting the acknowledgement, acceptance, or veto, as it may be.
I Imprinted two dragonchen. They were both blue-what luck, my favorite color! The two boys fly around my cathair, generally causing havoc. Got to run-one's upset the oil jar!
I caught the eye of Kolley, today. I do hope that, maybe, he has some interest in me, however much. But all he seems to focus on is Tessar. That tomboy! I admit, she's not so bad, once you get to know her..but she prefers Tilekk, or T'lekk, as the case may soon be.
A wandering journalist has been known to prowl around here..they've interviewed a few of the people residing here, already.
The journalist visited my cathair. They're here right now!
Amusement plays across your face, and you set the Journal down. Meri looks indignant, but stands, managing to quell her bemusement. "It was lovely, Meri. I'm sure I'll visit you again, I had a jolly time." "Come any time!" You tip your hat, and bid her farewell. 
Meri hurried down to the Sands. She was late, late, late, and getting later. Fretting that most of the eggs would've hatched already-"And maybe even mine!"-she willed her aching feet to run faster. Finally, she skidded onto the Sands in Artaq's Hatching robes, and felt the eyes of the crowd and the other candiates upon her. She felt her ears burn, and covered them with her hands, closing her eyes.
A trio of eggs shattered, leaving a blue, a green, and a brown dragon scrambling wildly across the sands. The green, a beautiful pale jade, shoved past her two brothers, in her haste to reach her chosen one. The blue gave a startled squeal, but the brown merely gave a snort of disdain. The green paid them no heed, burying her face in Meri's skirts, instead. The young woman laughed. "Yes, I am yours, and only yours, Soarth," she insisted to her new lifemate. Finally. I've been waiting for you, Meri! "S-Soarth? Soarth, I'm here, I'm so sorry-" Meri fell to her knees, where the green Soarth was sitting, staring at her, and covered the little hatchling with quick kisses. Stop it, giggled Soarth, that tickles! "Oh, Soarth.." Meri was breathless..

"Of course you're hungry, Soarth, you're always hungry..come now, let's go down to the feeding grounds." Thank you!

"Of course you were pretty before, but-" Meri fumbled for the right words.."You just weren't big enough to notice," she finished lamely. What a wonderful compliment "Sorry," Meri hung her head. It's alright. I understand you
