In front of you stands a tall stone wall, with a door cut into it, leading to a room. Engraved are the words "Katya's cathair." Poking your head inside and calling to anyone who might live inside, you hear a sweet reply. A woman, about eighteen, appears on the threshhold of the cathair, wiping dusty hands off on her full red skirt and dingy white blouse. Her blue eyes sparkle, and, brushing back a strand of tangled blonde hair, she addresses you- "Greetings, I'm Katya of Cathair Utopia. Have you come to meet my dragon? Unfortunately, it hasn't arrived yet, for the Hatching has not yet begun. But I've been Searched, so maybe I'll make an Imprinting! Would you care for a cup of hot kaffee?" You nod, and sit at her small wooden table, intricately carved with symbols of dragons. Katya hands you a mug of the spicy, rich drink, and a sweet roll to go with it. Looking around, you spot a fighting strap, a harness, for a dragon, some fire-drink, oil, numbing salve, the usual. You also notice flying clothes, as well as a helmet and goggles lying on a small cot. Katya walks out of the room, then back in, carrying a rolled up piece of tanned leather, it seems. She spreads it out, and points. "This is the map to Cathair Wu, if that's where you're headed." You thank Katya, and pocket the map, then stand. "Oh, don't go yet! You've barely been here at all..sorry it's so dirty, but I hardly ever have time to get around to cleaning it. What can I do to make your stay more comfortable? Would you like some pie? Darci, a wonderful cook, sent some to welcome me, which was awfully sweet of her, but I can't eat it all by my lonesome. You may have a slice, if you want." Pie sounds pretty good to you, so you sit, and watch as Katya cuts a huge slice of pie for you. She pours more kaffee, and wipes of the slightly dusty table, setting the pie down on a wooden platter. "There, " she says, and sits across from you. "Would you like to know a little bit about me?" You nod. "All right, then. My father was a Singer, and a player of instruments, though not by any means renouned. My mother, sadly, died a few years ago, but she had a great love for music as well, so it was kind of hard for me to escape lessons. I chose the harp, for it seemed the least hard to master. If I had known..I would've chosen the guitar, or singing! The harp is fairly hard, or it was, for my small, tender hands. They're not very tender now..after years of playing and looking after my siblings. Oh well..I suppose, with plenty of oil, they could get better." Katya stands and picks up a broom, sweeping while she talks. "You should meet some of the newcomers to the Cathair. I've been here only a few days, but that's longer than some of them. Have you met the Cathairte, and her new Cathairix, Ambrek? Beliath caught Edorth awhile ago. There were nine eggs on the sands. You should apply for the next Hatching. I would've, if Wu hadn't been open. K'dron Imprinted Oroth from Wu. A lively little blue 'un, he is. Pretty. I'm hoping for a higher rank, but anythings good enough for me. K'dron says that once you Imprint, no other color, or dragon, is good enough for you once you've gotten your new lifemate. 'Twould be great to feel that way. "I hope you don't mind my chatterin'. I'm naturally talkative. I hate to be alone! Havin' a dragon, Petzel says, she does, as she's just Imprinted green Zaith, is like never, ever being alone. You just reach out, with your mind like, and there's your companion, always there for you." Katya sighs, dreamily. She sings a snatch of a song.."Wouldn't it be loverly?"

"Ah, darling..my Blaith." Yes. I am yours, as much as you are mine Katya sat by her little green dragon upon her stone couch, and stroked the emerald beauty. Blaith had just been washed and oiled, and was ready for her nap. So Katya kissed the little head, and tiptoed out the door. Good-bye "Good-night, lovie."
Katya sat in the cathair, smiling fondly at Blaith. Lately her little dragon had grown quite a bit, and she was very proud. "Oh, Blaith, you are wonderful." Thank you..you are wonderful yourself "Oh, Blaith. Thank you, silly. I love you so much." Good. That is how it's meant to be.. Katya stitched diligently at her riding outfit. It had become very well-worn by frequent flights to attack Tabriz, and had torn in a few places. Katya held up the mended outfit to the light of the glow, satisfaction on her face. "There! All done. Now we can fly again!" Hmm..but not so hastily, dear Katya..perhaps I will fly soon..but I think you should stay on the ground during this event! "Blaith!" Katya covered her mouth, suprised and excited. "Really? You are going to fly?" Yes. Quite possibly at Utopian, if there are any worthy of me.. "There are none! But never fear, darling, we'll search for your suitors!"
