Another adoption of Danach! Yes, we're full of them, here. Winged snakes, dragonchen, dragons, ryanths, horses..anyway, these are the hawks. Please choose the first one that catches your eye-it will mean that it has chosen you to Imprint with it! A hawk imprints with a person just as a dragon or a dragonchen does. However, unlike the bonding with a dolphin, imprinting a hawk won't stop you from Imprinting a dragon! So Imprint away! Only one per persona, otherwise they'll get jealous, fight, kill each other, and then you'll have no hawks. The males: 

The females: 

Like dragons and chen, these hawks can be in Chases! However, the hawk passion for their human lifemates will not be as heated as dragon passion. Hawks will sometimes be flown in frenzies, if there aren't enough male hawks willing to chase.